The Mi’kmaq First Nations Assembly of Newfoundland is a non-profit organization fighting to promote and develop awareness of the Mi’kmaq Peoples of Newfoundland.

The MFNAN is of the opinion that the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nations Band application process is discriminatory. Individuals applying for recognition and status have been treated differently than any other band in Canada. Provisions in both the Agreement in Principle and the imposition of a point system in the Supplemental Agreement to assess whether applicants could be granted status is unprecedented in Canada.
We have successfully launched several court challenges which have seen provisions in this process already struck down. We are proceeding with other legal action to fight for the rights of all Mi’kmaq People in Newfoundland.
This fight is not cheap and we need your support. We are asking for a donation, no matter how small or how large.
Together we can fight the discriminatory enrollment process and strike down the provisions in the Agreement in Principle and Supplementary Agreements used to deny recognition to all our people. Monies collected will go towards fighting to ensure that all Newfoundland Mi’kmaq are treated equally.