The Abbott Case will be heard in Ottawa on Tuesday, 26 February 2019. The case will centre on the points system and those that lost their status. We are confident the case will go our way but there are no guarantees.
NOTE CHANGE: The Abbott Case will be heard now in the Supreme Court Building, East Courtroom, 301 Wellington Street, Ottawa.
MFNAN held a Special General Meeting in Corner Brook on Saturday, 23 February 2019. The meeting was about whether or not MFNAN should join the Congress of Aboriginal People’s (CAP). The meeting was well attended and hundreds of our members submitted proxy votes. MFNAN was given a clear mandate to join the Congress and become a non-status Indian Band. CAP will give us a much larger voice in the Aboriginal community to seek redress from the inadequacies in the Supplemental Agreement.
Thank you to those who attended and also to the many that submitted proxy votes.
MFNAN has now started preparing their CAP application and it will be decided on at the upcoming CAP Annual General Meeting later in the summer of 2019.
Dave Wells